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Top 5 Article on how to learn German fast


Do I need to know German?

Learning German is one of the most important steps you can take to prepare for your life in Germany. This will help you settle in more quickly and facilitate making new friends. For certain purposes, such as work or study, it may even be necessary for you to provide evidence of certain German skills. Proof of a certain level of German is also necessary for applying for a visa in many cases:  

  • German for work: Even if you do not have to prove your knowledge of the German language for your job, passing exams and certificates will look good on your CV and improve your chances when applying for a job: This way, companies immediately see that you are committed and have language skills. Since you adjust your speech to your work setting or your everyday life and also need to know specific technical terms, you have the opportunity to attend a professional

Learning German

oving to a foreign country means facing a number of challenges, such as mastering a new language and getting used to customs different to one’s own culture. Learning German ensures your successful integration: secure a job in Germany, explore your city, make new friends. First things first, though: find more information on where to learn German below.

What are integration courses?

Can I study German online?

Are language courses available tailored for specific industry sectors?

Learn German If your goal is to learn German, there is no faster or more efficient way to do so than by going straight to the source, Germany. Whether you're just starting out or you've been learning German for years, we have the German course for you. All of our programs combine German language lessons, activities, and free time so you get the most out of your stay. Find out more today!

5 Very Good, Very Specific Tips To Learn German

The Germans are fond of saying, Deutsche Sprache, schwere Sprache, (“German language, difficult language”), often with a hint of Schadenfreude in their voices. But allow me to let you in on a little secret: German isn’t that difficult. True, it’s got quite a reputation, perhaps best enshrined by more than a few

Because yes, German does present you with 16 different ways to say “the,” and sometimes it has little regard for sensible sentence structure. But at least it’s eminently predictable. English, on the other hand, is riddled with inconsistencies, some utterly non-sensical spelling and a lot of bizarrely fragile tense forms, all of which can trip up even the most experienced learners.

All you need, then, is a little help to figure out the parts that give most learners trouble. I’ve collated these tips from six years of language teaching, seven years of learning (it never stops!) and speaking German, and plenty of experience with different resources and methods.

Our Best Tips To Learn German

Always Learn New Words In Their Natural Environment

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